Grilled steak and vegetable salad


Grilled Steak and Vegetable Salad

Grilled Steak and Vegetable Salad

Take your salad over the top with delicious and tender Strip Steak bites.


  • 2 beef Strip Steaks Boneless (about 8 ounces each)
  • 1 medium sweet potato, cut into 2,5 cm.
  • 3 different vegetables such as zucchini, yellow squash, asparagus, eggplant, red onion, red and yellow bell pepper or Romaine lettuce, cut lengthwise into quarters
  • 1/2 cup reduced-fat dressing or vinaigrette
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper

No. Servings:


Cooking time:

35 minutes


  1. Toss potato and vegetables with 1/4 cup dressing; set aside. Rub beef Steaks with garlic and pepper.
  2. Place steaks on grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Arrange vegetables around steaks. Grill steaks, covered, 7 to 10 minutes, for medium rare (60ºC) to medium (70ºC) doneness, turning occasionally. Grill lettuce and asparagus 2 to 4 minutes; grill other vegetables 11 to 15 minutes or until crisp-tender, turning occasionally.
  3. Carve steaks and vegetables into bite-sized pieces. Combine beef, vegetables and remaining 1/4 cup dressing in large bowl; toss to coat. Season with salt and pepper, as desired and Enjoy! 

*Courtesy of Beef It’s What’s For Dinner. 

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