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American Beef in Paris
On Monday the 18th of May the United States Meat Export Federation (USMEF) organised the event #BoeufAmericainParis in order to promote American meat in France. The event was hosted and presented by Ms. Jane D. Hartley, US Ambassador. Felipe Macías, USMEF’s Marketing Representative in Europe, explained US Beef Differences from French and European beef.

On Monday, 29th of September 2014 took place the #CarneUSAMadrid event at Abc Serrano in Madrid. Chefs Pedro Larumbe and Byron Hogan, from the US Embassy Madrid, explained US meat qualities, presented some alternative cuts and delivered a tasting of them with some amazing recipes.

An American Meat Masterclass
On May,12 the United States Meat Export Federation organized an event in London hosted by John Brook – USMEF Regional Director Europe, Russia and Middle East and John Cadieux – Group Executive Chef, Goodman Restaurants. Produced by Filmed and edited by Pete Williams.

Culinary Bridge – American BBQ
Is there anything more American than a good, mouthwatering barbeque evening? Ribs, chicken wings, burgers, sandwiches, grilled tenderloin, grilled fish — whatever your favorites might be it is all what great American BBQ is all about!

US Bavette
Chef Catharina Bardun präsentiert ein besonderes Rezept mit US Beef Bavette, einem seltenen Zuschnitt, der durch seine grobe Struktur und intensive Geschmacksentwicklung besticht.

US Filetkopf
Chef Catharina Bardun präsentiert ein köstliches Rezept mit US-Rinderfilet, bei dem sie den Filetkopf zu einzigartigen Filetstücken verarbeitet

US Skirt Steak
Chefköchin Catharina Bardun präsentiert einen besonderen Schnitt: das US Beef Skirt Steak. Dieses Steak ist selten in Geschäften zu finden, aber dank US Beef kann Catharina es Ihnen vorstellen.

US Beef Porterhouse
Chef Catharina Bardun bereitet ein US Beef Porterhouse Steak zu, das mit seiner beeindruckenden intramuskulären Marmorierung und Fettabdeckung begeistert.

US Beef Teres Major
Chef Catharina Bardun präsentiert ein außergewöhnliches Rezept mit Teres Major, einem besonderen Stück US Beef.

US Porterhouse Steak
TV-Köchin Verena Leister präsentiert ein außergewöhnliches Gericht mit einem US-Porterhouse-Steak.

US Beef US Brisket
Die Fernsehköchin Verena Leister präsentiert ein außergewöhnliches Rezept, bei dem sie US-Beef Brisket in eine köstliche Tafelspitz-Variation verwandelt.

US Beef Flank
TV-Köchin Verena Leister präsentiert ein sensationelles US Beef Flank Steak, serviert mit einer geschmackvollen Erbsencreme und Basilikum, die das Steak perfekt ergänzt.

US Beef Flat Iron
Chefköchin Verena Leister präsentiert ein köstliches Rezept mit US Beef Flat Iron Steak, serviert mit klassischen Kartoffelpüree, verfeinert mit frischen Kräutern.

US Roastbeef
Chefköchin Verena Leister präsentiert ein erstklassiges US-Roastbeef mit außergewöhnlicher Marmorierung und höchster Qualität.

US Meat Brisket
Brisket is cooked over low heat, making it ideal for BBQ or oven cooking. Elena starts by marinating the meat with a mixture of sugar, paprika, garlic powder, salt, and pepper, letting it sit for two hours. Then, she prepares a homemade barbecue sauce with ketchup, apple cider vinegar, and liquid smoke. The brisket is baked at 160º for four hours, leaving it tender and flavorful.

US Meat Flank
Elena starts by marinating the meat in orange juice, lemon, sweet paprika, cayenne, salt and pepper, letting it rest for 30 minutes. She then sears the meat on a hot griddle for 5-6 minutes to keep it juicy. Once cooked, she lets it rest so the juices can distribute, before slicing it against the grain.

US Meat Tri Tip
Preparation begins by searing the meat on a hot griddle, first on the fatty side to preserve all its juices. The tri-tip is accompanied by a colorful garnish of vegetables: leek, carrots, sweet potato and potatoes, which are baked together with the meat for a perfect result.

US Meat Outside Skirt
Today we embark on a gastronomic journey to traditional North America, where meat is a true ritual. Elena Aymerich will teach us how to prepare a delicious #outside #skirt, known in Spain as entraña, a cut that is a real delicacy.

USA Chuck Flap with Ratatouille
The chuck flap is a muscle with a significant amount of marbling which you can see here; it also has a good amount of fat.

USA Top Sirloin Cap with Cilantro Pesto
The amount of fat on the top may be removed, but I don’t recommend it, as the fat makes for tender and juicy meat.

USA Tri-tip Shawarma
Once the cilantro is roughly chopped, put it in a bowl; then take the mint leaves and chop them, also roughly. This is going to be an important part of the marinade. The last two ingredients to be added are the yogurt, a bit of lemon juice, and the touch that will give it the Middle Eastern flavor: cumin.

How to Cook Braised Chuck Tender Medallions – Italian Style
How about bringing the taste of Tuscany to your dinner table? Do not miss this video where we show you how to make this recipe with beef, tomato-garlic white beans, and fresh spinach.

How to Cook Asian Sweet & Spicy Style Ribs
Have you ever tried cooking Asian Sweet & Spicy Style Ribs? These Asian Beef Ribs are the perfect balance of sweet and savory.

How to Cook Spicy Beef Back Ribs
Are you a Thai cuisine lover? In this video, we’ll show you a recipe that won’t disappoint you: Thai Braised Beef Shanks.

How to Cook Herb-Crusted Sirloin Tip Roast?
Have you ever try a Sirloin Tip Roast? In this video, we show you how to prepare a scrumptious dish: Herb-Crusted Sirloin Tip Roast whith Creamy Horseradish-Chive Sauce. A really tasty and healthy dish that will surprise your guests!

How to Cook Thai Braised Beef Shanks
Are you a Thai cuisine lover? In this video, we’ll show you a recipe that won’t disappoint you: Thai Braised Beef Shanks.

Swiss Steak Piperade
This special recipe is really nutritious because it combines high-quality beef with pasta.

How to cook The Perfect Burguer?
Cooking burgers sounds easy but it’s not as simple as it seems if you want an excellent burger. The most important ingredient is high-quality meat, for example, using US Beef, and then you can add as many ingredients as you like. Here you have some ideas!

How to cook The Perfect Denver Steak?
The Denver Steak, also knowns as Chuck Under Blade Center Steak, is tender and strong cut. The best way to cook it is to roast it for a few minutes first and then put it in the oven to finish cooking it. Are you ready to enjoy the perfect US Beef Denver Steak?

How to cook a Perfect and juicy Ribeye Steak?
To cook a Ribeye Steak you only need a good piece of US beef and grilling it. It’s common to use herbs and butter to enhance the flavor of the meat. It’s a succulent part of beef and tastes absolutely amazing!

How to cook a Perfect and tender Skirt Steak?
To cook a Skirt Steak you need to be careful to not overcooked it, because it’s a thin piece of beef. It’s worthwhile if you cook it right because its flavor is absolutely amazing!. In this video, we give you some tips to cook well a delicious US Beef Skirt Steak.

How to cook The Perfect Striploin?
The best way to cook a Striploin is by grilling it. You only need a good quality US beef, seasoning it well and add some herbs like rosemary to increase the flavor of the meat. If you don’t know how to do it well, watch this video, because we’ll give you some tips.

How to cook The Perfect Tenderloin?
Tenderloin is one of the most versatile US Beef cuts. it is easy to cook and the flavor is amazing if you do it right. The best way to prepare it is by grilling it. You can add some herbs, seasoning and a bit of butter to give it a special flavor if you want, but the flavor of this cut is amazing by itself.

How to cook The Perfect Top Sirloin?
Top Sirloin is one of the delicious cuts of US beef that it’s perfect for grilling. For cooking perfectly a Top Sirloin, you have to seal it first and then put it in the oven. If you complement it with a flavorful vinaigrette, you won’t believe how delicious it would be!

How to cook The Perfect Tri Tip?
Tri Trip is usually grilled to seal the beef cut and the put in the oven. The result is a juicy and delicious piece of beef. Don’t forget to let the Tri Tip rest before cutting it or all the juices will be missed!

Beef bar Monaco. American beef tartare
Working with US meat in a cold environment to get an amazing American Steak Tartare.

US Bavette
Chef Catharina Bardun präsentiert ein besonderes Rezept mit US Beef Bavette, einem seltenen Zuschnitt, der durch seine grobe Struktur und intensive Geschmacksentwicklung besticht.

US Filetkopf
Chef Catharina Bardun präsentiert ein köstliches Rezept mit US-Rinderfilet, bei dem sie den Filetkopf zu einzigartigen Filetstücken verarbeitet

US Skirt Steak
Chefköchin Catharina Bardun präsentiert einen besonderen Schnitt: das US Beef Skirt Steak. Dieses Steak ist selten in Geschäften zu finden, aber dank US Beef kann Catharina es Ihnen vorstellen.

US Beef Porterhouse
Chef Catharina Bardun bereitet ein US Beef Porterhouse Steak zu, das mit seiner beeindruckenden intramuskulären Marmorierung und Fettabdeckung begeistert.

US Beef Teres Major
Chef Catharina Bardun präsentiert ein außergewöhnliches Rezept mit Teres Major, einem besonderen Stück US Beef.

US Porterhouse Steak
TV-Köchin Verena Leister präsentiert ein außergewöhnliches Gericht mit einem US-Porterhouse-Steak.

US Beef US Brisket
Die Fernsehköchin Verena Leister präsentiert ein außergewöhnliches Rezept, bei dem sie US-Beef Brisket in eine köstliche Tafelspitz-Variation verwandelt.

US Beef Flank
TV-Köchin Verena Leister präsentiert ein sensationelles US Beef Flank Steak, serviert mit einer geschmackvollen Erbsencreme und Basilikum, die das Steak perfekt ergänzt.

US Beef Flat Iron
Chefköchin Verena Leister präsentiert ein köstliches Rezept mit US Beef Flat Iron Steak, serviert mit klassischen Kartoffelpüree, verfeinert mit frischen Kräutern.

US Roastbeef
Chefköchin Verena Leister präsentiert ein erstklassiges US-Roastbeef mit außergewöhnlicher Marmorierung und höchster Qualität.

US Meat Brisket
Brisket is cooked over low heat, making it ideal for BBQ or oven cooking. Elena starts by marinating the meat with a mixture of sugar, paprika, garlic powder, salt, and pepper, letting it sit for two hours. Then, she prepares a homemade barbecue sauce with ketchup, apple cider vinegar, and liquid smoke. The brisket is baked at 160º for four hours, leaving it tender and flavorful.

US Meat Flank
Elena starts by marinating the meat in orange juice, lemon, sweet paprika, cayenne, salt and pepper, letting it rest for 30 minutes. She then sears the meat on a hot griddle for 5-6 minutes to keep it juicy. Once cooked, she lets it rest so the juices can distribute, before slicing it against the grain.

US Meat Tri Tip
Preparation begins by searing the meat on a hot griddle, first on the fatty side to preserve all its juices. The tri-tip is accompanied by a colorful garnish of vegetables: leek, carrots, sweet potato and potatoes, which are baked together with the meat for a perfect result.

US Meat Outside Skirt
Today we embark on a gastronomic journey to traditional North America, where meat is a true ritual. Elena Aymerich will teach us how to prepare a delicious #outside #skirt, known in Spain as entraña, a cut that is a real delicacy.

USA Cutting up the Chuck Roll
You can see it has an interesting amount of marbling; this is because of what animals are fed in the United States

How to cook Flat Iron- The Beef in Brief by John Cadieux
John Cadieux, Global U.S. Beef Ambassador teaches us in this episode of The Beef in Brief how to treat and cook Flat Iron. It’s the second most tender piece of meat of the animal. A great spice rub it’s the key to rise up this cut.

How to cook Eye of Round Medallions- The Beef in Brief by John Cadieux
John Cadieux, Global U.S. Beef Ambassador teaches us in this episode of The Beef in Brief how to treat and cook Eye of Round Medallions. This cut has a lot of flavor, but you should marinate it before cooking, because it improves the cooking experience!

How to cook a Porterhouse- The Beef in Brief by John Cadieux
John Cadieux, Global U.S. Beef Ambassador teaches us in this episode of The Beef in Brief how to treat and cook a Porterhouse. This cut is, just like the ribeye, the king of steaks. It’s very similar to the T-Bone, but the Porterhouse has a larger Tenderloin. Have you ever try it?

How to cook a Bone-in Strip Loin – The Beef in Brief by John Cadieux
John Cadieux, Global U.S. Beef Ambassador teaches us in this episode of The Beef in Brief how to treat and cook a Bone-in Strip Loin. This is one of the best steaks you’ll ever had, and it only takes less than 10 minutes to cook. Ready for the beef of your life?

How to cook a T-Bone- The Beef in Brief by John Cadieux
John Cadieux, Global U.S. Beef Ambassador teaches us in this episode of The Beef in Brief how to treat and cook a T-Bone, one of the most popular steaks in the world. You can cook it super fast, so if you don’t have much time but still want something delicious, this is the perfect steak for you.

How to cook a Teres Major- The Beef in Brief by John Cadieux
John Cadieux, Global U.S. Beef Ambassador teaches us in this episode of The Beef in Brief how to treat and cook a Teres Major. It looks like tenderloin and it’s perfect for two people, so it’s a nice option if you want to save money but still eat a delicious piece of beef.

How to cook the Hanging Tender – The Beef in Brief by John Cadieux
John Cadieux, Global U.S. Beef Ambassador teaches us in this episode of The Beef in Brief how to treat and cook the Hanging Tender. When preparing this cut, the fat needs to be removed very well and you also have to be very careful about how you cook it. Ready for a masterclass?

How to cook a Tenderloin – The Beef in Brief by John Cadieux
John Cadieux, Global U.S. Beef Ambassador teaches us in this episode of The Beef in Brief how to treat and cook a Tenderloin: the most tender piece of meat. Remember the importance of using every part of the meat that you buy.

How to cook a Tri-tip – The Beef in Brief by John Cadieux
ohn Cadieux, Global U.S. Beef Ambassador teaches us in this episode of The Beef in Brief how to treat and cook a Tri-tip. The marblig on the U.S. Beef Tri-tip is unbelievable and the flavor that gives the thick fat part will make your beef rise its level.

How to cook a Flank Steak- The Beef in Brief by John Cadieux
John Cadieux, Global U.S. Beef Ambassador teaches us in this episode of The Beef in Brief how to treat and cook a Flank Steak. Remember that you should remove the extra fat from this cut before cooking it!

How to cook a Ribeye- The Beef in Brief by John Cadieux
John Cadieux, Global U.S. Beef Ambassador teaches us in this episode of The Beef in Brief how to treat and cook a Ribeye. Do you want to learn how to cook this steak? In this episode, you’ll find all the perfect tips and tricks to make a perfect steak every single time!

How to cook a New York Strip Steak – The Beef in Brief by John Cadieux
John Cadieux, Global U.S. Beef Ambassador teaches us in this episode of The Beef in Brief how to treat and cook New York Sirloin Steak. There are two versions of this cut: the thin and the big one. Each version needs to be treated differently, so pay attention to this video!

How to cook a Cote de Boeuf (Bone-in Ribeye) – The Beef in Brief by John Cadieux
John Cadieux, Global U.S. Beef Ambassador teaches us in this episode of The Beef in Brief how to treat and cook cowboy steaks. Because of its size, cooking this cut requires some tips for cooking it properly. Are you ready to learn them?

How to cook a Cote de Boeuf (Bone-in Ribeye) – The Beef in Brief by John Cadieux
John Cadieux, Global U.S. Beef Ambassador teaches us in this episode of The Beef in Brief how to treat and cook a Cote de Boeuf, one of the kings of steaks. This huge steak has a spectacular flavor that will leave you speechless.

How to cook a Tomahawk – The Beef in Brief by John Cadieux
John Cadieux, Global U.S. Beef Ambassador teaches us in this episode of The Beef in Brief how to treat and cook one of his favorite cuts: the Tomahawk. This big, marbling, bone-in ribeye with a big long bone has an amazing tenderness and it’s perfect for impressing your guests.