Loin Family
Loin family
The loin family is generated from the hindquarter of the carcass after the removal of the round and the flank. The short loin, tenderloin, strip loin and the sirloin are generated from the full loin.
The loin/rib break is made between the 12th and 13th ribs with the 13th rib remaining on the hindquarter. The loin/round break is made by a straight cut between the sacral and caudal vertebrae exposing the end of the femur bone in the primal round. Fat trim and weight ranges may be discussed with the supplier.

The primal loin is generated from the hindquarter of the carcass after the removal of the round and the flank. The short loin, sirloin, strip loin and tenderloin are produced from the primal loin. The kidney is removed and the fat associated with the kidney is partially removed.

Short loin
The short loin is produced from the primal loin and is separated from the sirloin by dividing the primal loin at a point anterior to the hip cartilage.
The short loin contains the muscles of the strip loin and a portion of the tenderloin. Purchasers may discuss the fat trim and the length of the flank edge (tail) remaining on the cut with their suppliers.

Long tail
The loin tail (not shown) is generated from the primal loin and consists of the muscles that surround and are immediately posterior to the 13th rib.

Full tenderloin
The full tenderloin is a boneless cut generated from the primal loin after the removal of the strip loin, top sirloin and bottom sirloin.
A gland will be present on the fat side of the full tenderloin. The surface fat from the lymph gland towards the tail is tapered to the lean at a point not beyond three quarters thelength of the tenderloin.

Strip Loin, short-cut, boneless
The boneless strip loin is generated from the primal loin after the removal of the sirloin, tenderloin and all bones and associated cartilages. Surface fat and tail length (length of the flank edge) may be discussed with the supplier and there are many varieties available. Varieties of strip loins made in the U.S. refer to the length of the tail or flank edge and the surface fat cover. These cuts are characterized by their tail length.

Butt tenderloin peeled
The butt tenderloin, peeled is generated from the sirloin end of the primal loin. This cut is practically free of surface fat.

Butt tenderloin
The butt tenderloin is generated from the sirloin end of the primal loin. The surface fat trim on the butt tenderloin is uniform across the cut.
The large lymph gland may be present.

Full tenderloin side muscle-on peeled
The tenderloin, side muscle-on, peeled is generated from the full tenderloin. This cut is similar to the full tenderloin except that most surface fat is removed. This cut is often referred to PSMO (Peeled, Side Muscle-On) tenderloin.

Full tenderloin side muscle-off peeled
The tenderloin, side muscle-off is generated from the full tenderloin. This cut will be similar to the full tenderloin except that the side muscle (psosas minor) that lies adjacent to the main tenderloin muscle will be removed. Most surface fat is removed.

Full tenderloin side muscle-off skinned
The tenderloin, side muscle-off, skinned is generated from the full tenderloin. This cut is similar to the side muscle-off tenderloin except the silver skin will be removed. This cut is free of surface fat.

Top sirloin butt boneless
The boneless top sirloin butt is generated from the primal loin after removal of the strip loin, tenderloin, and bottom sirloin butt. All bones, associated cartilages and ligaments with associated cartilages and lean are removed.
Purchasers may discuss surface fat trim with the supplier.

Botton sirloin butt boneless
The boneless bottom sirloin butt is generated from the primal loin after the removal of the top sirlion, tenderloin, and strip loin.
The bottom sirloin consists of three parts: tri-tip, ball tip and flap.

Top sirloin, center cut, boneless cap-off
The center-cut top sirloin is generated from the boneless top sirloin after the removal of the cap or coulotte and all other muscles other than the gluteus medius.
This cut may have small amounts of surface fat present.

Top sirloin, cap muscle (coulotte)
The top sirloin cap muscle is also known as the coulotte. It is generated from the boneless top sirloin after the removal of the center-cut sirloin. Purchasers may discuss the fat trim of this boneless cut.

Bottom sirloin butt, ball tip
The ball tip is generated from the bottom sirlion butt. This boneless cut is dome shaped and is trimmed of visible surface fat and connective issue. The ball tip is separated from the flap and tri-tip by the natural seam.

Bottom sirloin butt, tri-tip
The tri-tip is generated from the bottom sirloin butt. This boneless cut will be separated from the ball tip and flap by the natural seam. All connective tissue is removed from this cut. Surface fat remains.

Bottom sirloin butt, tri-tip peeled
The peeled tri-tip is generated from the tri-tip that has had practically all surface fat removed.

Bottom sirloin butt, flap
The flap is generated from the bottom sirloin butt. This boneless cut is trimmed of practically all fat, however, small pieces of flake fat remain.
Some connective tissue may remain on this cut that is separated from the ball tip and tri-tip by the natural seam.