BBQ in Helsinki. 3rd Culinary Bridge at the US Embassy : The Marbled Meat Club


BBQ in Helsinki. 3rd Culinary Bridge at the US Embassy

Over 70 people got together to The III Episode of Culinary Bridge, the American BBQ Edition held in April at always so outstanding Innovation Center of the US Embassy in Helsinki, Finland. Three Chefs – Oula Hänninen from Katinen Manor, Tero Honkaniemi and Sami Lamminaho from HKSCAN – and tens of Finnish journalists enjoyed a sunny afternoon at the Embassy. Okay, a few rain drops too but nothing stopped us to enjoy great, mouthwatering food with the best view in town!

It was all about BBQ and grilling but we were (slightly) official too: Mr. Rodney Hunter, Chief Political Economic Section of US Embassy opened the event and welcomed the crowd. And as the US Embassy in Helsinki is very much about green technology and sustainability we had Mr. John Molesky, League of Green Embassies Coordinator to give a quick overview about the building itself. And US beef – that was the core message and we were so happy to have two major meat guys with us too: Mr. Felipe Macías from U.S. Meat Export Federation and Mr. Hannu Kottonen, CEO of the Nordic meat giant HKSCAN